Friday 8 April 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I learnt a lot from my audience feedback. I interviewed several people during and after I had created my trailer and ancillary products. I learned that they thought that the common conventions I had attempted to use in my trailer had worked and did convey the verisimilitude of a real horror movie trailer. For example, they commented on the fact that I had filmed my trailer at night, they said that this conveyed the genre successfully and also created the right atmosphere for the trailer. When creating my trailer I chose not to follow all the conventions of horror movies. When it came to adding the music I decided to challenge conventions my adding in the song 'Teddy Bear's Picnic', the tune of the song conveys a happy atmosphere but where I had cut the song with the right lyrics it portrayed a horror theme. My focus group commented on this and they thought it worked effectively and it stuck in their minds after having watched the trailer.

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