Friday 8 April 2011

Audience Feedback - Ancillary Products (Questions)


1. Do you think the poster for the film 'Daunt' conveys the horror genre? How?
-> "Yes, I think it does convey the horror genre well. The part of the trailer that does this the most in my opinion is the image shown in the background of the poster. Also, the colours that you have decided to use create a realistic verisimilitude of an eerie setting and horror movie."

2. How well do you think the poster portrays the same themes as the ones shown in the trailer? Do you think they go well together?
-> "I think the trailer and the poster fit in well together, By using the same person in both. This creates consistency between the products and makes it clear that they are together and part of the same brand; 'Daunt'."

3. Are they any improvement that you think I can make to my poster?
-> "I think that if you were to make any improvements it would be to give the audience some rough estimate of when the film was to be released, other than that I think it is a very effective poster."

Magazine Cover

1. Do you think the film magazine cover featuring 'Daunt' conveys the genre of the film? How?
-> "Yes, I think it does the image is good. The make up that has been used on the person creates a scary mis-en-scene.
2. Would you pick up this magazine? Why?
-> "Yes, the image entices me and makes me want to see what the film is about and also read the interview that is featured inside."
3. How well do you think the magazine cover portrays the themes in the trailer? Do you think they go well together?
-> "The colours that you have used fit in with the themes that were also present in the trailer. I do think they go well together, as the same person is featured in both the trailer and on the front cover of the magazine."
4. Are there any improvements you think I can make to my magazine cover?
-> "I think you could include an issue number on the magazine as this is a common convention used on the front covers of magazines."

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