Friday 8 April 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I learnt a lot from my audience feedback. I interviewed several people during and after I had created my trailer and ancillary products. I learned that they thought that the common conventions I had attempted to use in my trailer had worked and did convey the verisimilitude of a real horror movie trailer. For example, they commented on the fact that I had filmed my trailer at night, they said that this conveyed the genre successfully and also created the right atmosphere for the trailer. When creating my trailer I chose not to follow all the conventions of horror movies. When it came to adding the music I decided to challenge conventions my adding in the song 'Teddy Bear's Picnic', the tune of the song conveys a happy atmosphere but where I had cut the song with the right lyrics it portrayed a horror theme. My focus group commented on this and they thought it worked effectively and it stuck in their minds after having watched the trailer.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Audience Feedback - Ancillary Products (Questions)


1. Do you think the poster for the film 'Daunt' conveys the horror genre? How?
-> "Yes, I think it does convey the horror genre well. The part of the trailer that does this the most in my opinion is the image shown in the background of the poster. Also, the colours that you have decided to use create a realistic verisimilitude of an eerie setting and horror movie."

2. How well do you think the poster portrays the same themes as the ones shown in the trailer? Do you think they go well together?
-> "I think the trailer and the poster fit in well together, By using the same person in both. This creates consistency between the products and makes it clear that they are together and part of the same brand; 'Daunt'."

3. Are they any improvement that you think I can make to my poster?
-> "I think that if you were to make any improvements it would be to give the audience some rough estimate of when the film was to be released, other than that I think it is a very effective poster."

Magazine Cover

1. Do you think the film magazine cover featuring 'Daunt' conveys the genre of the film? How?
-> "Yes, I think it does the image is good. The make up that has been used on the person creates a scary mis-en-scene.
2. Would you pick up this magazine? Why?
-> "Yes, the image entices me and makes me want to see what the film is about and also read the interview that is featured inside."
3. How well do you think the magazine cover portrays the themes in the trailer? Do you think they go well together?
-> "The colours that you have used fit in with the themes that were also present in the trailer. I do think they go well together, as the same person is featured in both the trailer and on the front cover of the magazine."
4. Are there any improvements you think I can make to my magazine cover?
-> "I think you could include an issue number on the magazine as this is a common convention used on the front covers of magazines."

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Trailer in terms of 'LIAR'

Language: The language of my trailer is a key factor. I have ensured that I have got the language of my trailer right and ensured that my trailer has been received correctly by the viewer. I know that I have acheived this through my audience feedback. I have used captions to go with the moving image, this not only breaks up the shots of footage but also helps to enstill the story so the viewer knows what the story line is. The purpose of the trailer is introduce the film to the audience without giving away the film, I have done this by using montages of clips of the main character, this leaves the viewer with an idea of what the film may be about but entices them to still want to come and see the film.

Institution: The prodcution and distribution company of my trailer is Working Title Films. Some other examples of film production companies are, Fox Entertainment, Time Warner and Walt Disney Motion Pictures.

Audience: My horror film trailer is aimed both at male and females. The certification of my film also means that it is age specific to spectators over the age of 15 in the UK. Their is an age restriction on my film as the film may include themes which are not suitable for younger viewers, this is often the case with horror films. This therefore means that my target audience is male and female teenagers and young adults. Genre played a massive role in determing the classification and target audience of my film.

Representation: The themes raised in my trailer represent the genre of horror. The characters, music and text used in the trailer all convey the genre of horror and represent it well. The trailer portrays stereotypical characters such as victims in horror movies with the introduction of 'Susannah Bennet'. I used stereotypical lighting and location; woods and dark eerie lighting to help convey horror, this therefore means that the audience will immediately know that the film is of the horror genre.

Friday 7 January 2011

Audience Feedback Questions

1. What aspects of this trailer do you think best associate it with the genre of horror?

2. What do you think about the main character being the only person featured in the trailer?

3. Do you think the trailer challenges existing conventions of horror trailers?

4. What is your opinion of the comical music with the horror? Do you think the lyrics and pace of the song go well with the effect of the trailer?

5. What improvements do you think I should make to the trailer? Do you think there is anything I need to add or remove from the trailer?

6. What do you think are the most memorable aspects of the trailer? Why?

7. Would you go and see this film at the cinema?

Monday 3 January 2011

Questionnaire Results

Main Character

I am going to compare my main character with existing ones in horror movies. I will evaluate the similarities and differences of them.

-> Both of these characters have a split personality as a result of the events in each of the movies.
-> Both characters have a scary appearance, long dark hair and pale skin.
-> They both haunt people in the movie.

Sunday 2 January 2011



How old are you?
11-14 15-17 18-21

What is your favourite genre of film?
Romantic Comedy Horror Science-Fiction Thriller Action

Where do you most commonly view film trailers?
Cinema TV Adverts Internet (Youtube) Social Networking Sites Listen on Radio

In your opinion what is the most important element of a film trailer?
Music Text Voice Over Image on Screen Special Effects

What entices you to see a film the most?
Film Trailer Film Soundtrack Actors/Actresses General Storyline/Genre